Here you can find product editions.
Some are part of limited series, while others are unique pieces. Some made of wood, plastic, ceramic... others immaterial. Some products are the result of collaborations, while others I've independently designed.. Some three-dimensional, others may just be a sheet of paper. Some are produced in my workshop, while others are manufactured elsewhere. Some look pretty terrible, while others are absolutely stunning and brilliantly designed. Some functional, others useless, just crap. Regardless of their nature, all products are created with passion and dedication. I hope you find something among our offerings that you not only like but also wish to bring into your life.

Our current product collection looks like this <

i love all these products ! 
i don´t want to sell them 
( but i need the money )
a n y w a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

i hope you can love them too !