

I've always loved these
ordinary black plastic buckets.
 They're awesome!
But... come on, they have a tough life:
designed to be used for dirty tasks
with a short lifespan,
or sometimes with a long lifespan
but often full of deformities ...
Yes, ok... some of these deformities can
actually be seen as aesthetic improvements.

Anyway, here I wanted to give
these buckets a more dignified life.
Instead of being relegated to a
garage or a construction site,
they can now keep you
company while you watch TV.
It's as if they've climbed
the social hierarchy.

So, I just added a lid to cover
the bucket and a new flexible,
comfortable handle. Now, it’s
possible to store things inside, keeping
them out of sight, and use the lid
as a surface to place objects.

But, in the end, it's still just an
ordinary black plastic bucket...

Important - In this product,
I use standard plastic buckets.
I always strive to select the best ones,
but the buckets may have some
minor scratches that do not
impact their form or function.

Your product will be delivered
within 2 weeks after purchase.
Hope that works for you!

i love all these products ! 
i don´t want to sell them 
( but i need the money )
a n y w a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

i hope you can love them too !



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you truly want to make yours
